Wednesday, July 28, 2010

oh love

i love everything about the girl in this picture. the hair. the scarf. the navy top.

i have been on the hunt for a similar scarf ever since i first saw this picture. so far... no luck.

p.s - after all my excitement we cant get the keys to the new house til next week... BOO! but it does mean that i'll have time to visit here. i guess moving can wait...

have a happy weekend xx

a revamp

sometimes a girl needs something a bit prettier than the classic bonds singlet...

so i grabbed some buttons and revamped the plain white into something a little prettier. what do you think?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

all the pretty flowers

i raced home yesterday to see if my parcel full of vintage sheet goodness had arrived and i was more than rewarded for my efforts! look at all the prettiness!! i think i want to make a quilt with lots of little squares rather than only a few big ones. i'll be scouring the net over the next few days for inspiration...

a big shout out to the lovely ange for organising, collecting and sorting over 800 fat quarters... THANKS SO MUCH!

an afternoon walk

i am trying to find some balance in my life and one of the things i look forward to most in my day is getting home and taking my lovely little nell for a walk. we live just down the road from some national park and there are so many beautiful walking tracks... it makes me happy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

i would like to live here

how amazingly beautiful are these rooms? this house belongs to nikole herriot and was found over here. im quickly stockpiling all the last minute inspiration i can find before we move into our new house THIS WEEKEND! woohoo!

p.s - im planning a giveaway just as soon as we unpack a bit and settle into the new place. stay tuned!

scenes from the weekend...

the beach in winter, a good book and nieces who crawl for the very first time....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

i got a degree!!

last thursday i found myself walking across a stage, doffing my hat and receiving a degree. it only took me seven years, multiple breakdowns and a LOT of peppermint chocolate. i am proud of me.

there isnt really any nice photos of me from the actual ceremony dressed in my finery so i thought i would share the pictures of some of the beautiful flowers and gifts i received.

graduating is fun (and i got the day off work... woohoo)!!

p.s - one more thing that i can cross off my 101 things in 1001 days list (number 85)!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

some pretty around my neck...




i know that i have spoken a bit about how i have recently started a new job but im not too sure if i have told you all what it is exactly that i am doing. i teach high school. when i tell people this i generally do not get a positive response... it is usually something along the lines of 'why would you want to do that'? and sometimes i think its a completely valid question! but i really do love it (please remind me of this when i start complaining about how tired and frustrated i am)!!

at the moment i am teaching phys ed which means i get to dress for comfort which is fabulous but when it comes to the weekend i just want to dress up in pretty things... lately i have been wearing a lot of vintage dresses with my ankle boots or my new boyfriend style jeans with a plain tee, cons and funky necklace. i have been searching etsy to expand my necklace collection - here are some of my favourites!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

scenes from the weekend

first birthday parties, noahs ark birthday cakes, lounging in the sun and puppy kisses :)

etsy purchases and some swaps

i have had these dresses in my etsy favourites list for a while now and i finally just bit the bullet and got them before someone else could snap them up (i should not be allowed on etsy after 10pm - i went on a bit of a spree. i blame my exhaustion. haha). they are from this funky store.

i have blogged about this vintage sheet swap before over here - posted my parcel off and cannot wait to get the goodies back from the lovely ange :). i have also signed up for the photo swap hosted by the fabulous tillie - im off tomorrow to take some photos to send off to my partner this week!

...and finally, this surprise ball exchange over at oh my darling! what a fabulous idea!!!!! and you still have a few more days to sign up! what are you waiting for?

what swaps are you signed up to?

Friday, July 16, 2010

work reflections and some vintage finds

i started full time work this week and it is exhausting! i know that most of you will probably say something along the lines of 'welcome to the real world' (this is the standard response from my family - haha) - but im finding it really hard to get into a rhythm. this is the most structured my days have been in many years (between an ever changing uni timetable and shift work) and i really thought that i would thrive with more structure to my days and my life. but i find myself really missing the simple things - like a morning walk and coffee, writing mail and op shopping. my life revolves around work which is completely opposite to the life i really want. i know that as i settle into work i will be able to balance myself better and find some more time for the things i love... but until then are there any tips you have for an ex uni student who is wishing for her old life?

i managed to just make it down to my local op shop this afternoon and picked up some fabulous sheets and a few plates... here is the (much smaller than usual) weekly haul...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the op shop formal part two

fantastic yes?

the op shop formal part one

i think we did pretty well considering we were essentially camping and had to pull it all together in about an hour!! we went with a red, white and moustaches theme for all the decor and the only instructions we gave to the guests/campers was that the bulk of their outfit needed to be from an op shop. i think they looked fabulous but i'll save the outfit post for tomorrow :)